Blender Beginner Part 06
Step 153
Go to layer 5. Change to top viewport(7) in the left viewport window.Step 154
Press space and choose Add>Mesh>UVsphere.Step 155
Select OK.Step 156
Select OK.Step 157
Now a sphere should appear.Step 158
In the screen selector Add New. Change the name to SR:1-Sculpt.Step 159
Join Area for the 3d window so that the left 3d window moves to the right.Step 160
This will make one 3d window.Step 161
In the mode selector go to Sculpt Mode. This mode is used to model meshes. It is similar to Zbrush in as much as you can paint on the mesh to deform it. Sculpt Mode can be very handy for sculpting detail on meshes.Step 162
In the Editing Context(F9) Set Smooth to the sphere. Select the Multires panel and press the Add Multires button. Multires smooths the mesh similar to Subdivision surfaces(but it is not Subd). This allows you to sculpt with more detail.Step 163
Press the Add Level button.Step 164
A few different options will appear. Mainly we will only be concerned with adding levels.Step 165
Keep adding levels until there are 4 levels.Step 166
Adding levels can use up a lot of resources in blender. To gain more speed at high levels go to the 3D window header. Select Sculpt>Partial Redraw. This will only help on certain video cards. Some video cards may actually experience a slower speeds with this selected. Much more information including other speed tricks(such as hiding certain parts) discussed here:Step 167
Let us begin sculpting. Press N in the 3d window to seen Sculpt Properties. Select the Draw Brush, Fade, Default Texture, and Add Shape. Strength of the brush allows to effect the mesh more strongly. The draw brush strength adds more depth. Press F to interactively change the brush size and hold shift + F to interactively change the brush strength.Step 168
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the brush on the mesh to deform it.Step 169
Deselect Fade and draw. Notice the brush edges are not faded.Step 170
Undo by holding ctrl + Z(ctrl + shift + Z is redo). Make the size of the brush smaller. Draw in the surface. Holding shift while drawing will subtract depth instead of adding it.Step 171
Undo once. Select the Smooth brush and make the brush larger than the drawing.Step 172
Use the Smooth brush over the drawing. The Smooth brush “smooths” out irregularities in the mesh. It is comparable to melting wax or blurring a photograph.Step 173
Undo until there are no small drawings on the mesh.Step 174
Draw again on the mesh. Select the Pinch brush.Step 175
Make the brush larger than the drawing and use the Pinch brush. Notice how is squishes the mesh.Step 176
Undo once. Hold shift while using the Pinch brush looks like this. Undo until there are no small drawings on the mesh.Step 177
Draw another shape. Use the Inflate brush on the mesh.Step 178
Hold shift and use Inflate on the mesh. Be careful not to invert polygons like this. Doing this can cause problems later.Step 179
Undo until there are no small drawings on the mesh. Select the Grab brush. Make a larger brush size. Select a part of the mesh with the Grab brush and move it.Step 180
Notice how the mesh drags towards the area you move the brush.Step 181
Use the brush tools to deform the object to look like a rock.Step 182
Select the Layer brush.Step 183
Draw a line.Step 184
Draw another line making sure to cross the original line. Notice how hit added a layer based on the original line.Step 185
When sculpting sometimes the background grid gets in the way. To hide the grid. In the 3d panel go to View>View Properties.Step 186
In the View Properties, press the Grid Floor button. Close the View Properties window.Step 187
Go to Object Mode. Select the layer 20 either by clicking that layer or holding alt + 0. There should be an object called o.matsphere here.Step 188
Select the Shading Context(F5). The material should be called matsphere.mat. This object/material is going to be the holding place for the texture we will use for a brush. There are ways to save brushes without having them attached to objects but this way is foolproof. Add a texture. Go to the Texture button Sub-Context(F6) and change the name of the texture to brush.Step 189
Change the texture type to image. Load the brush.jpg file that was downloaded at the beginning of the tutorial. This image was created in gimp. Any texture will do and even procedural textures can be used(not described here). The picture should look like this.Step 190
Go back to layer 5 and select the Sphere. Don't forget to rename the object as o.rock and it's material as rock.mat. I also made the rock color gray.Step 191
Select Sculpt mode. In the Sculpt Properties Texture area(underneath Default) press a button. Select the button near Add New. Choose the texture named brush.Step 192
Now the brush image texture from Matsphere will be used for deforming the mesh. Change the size of the brush.Step 193
Draw the texture on the mesh experimenting with the different things described above.Step 194
After drawing for a little bit I have covered the rock.Step 195
To see how to mess with the mesh at smaller densities use the arrows in the Multires panel to change levels. This is the rock at level 1.Step 196
Go to Object Mode. Move the rock to the layer 1. Scale and move as needed. Go back to Screen 2-Default. Save as Room08.blend